
… : "…アッカリ~ン . .. . " .. .
October 2, 2014

2013 ACM/ICPC Asia Regional Hangzhou Onsite


Problem A. Lights Against Dudely

Brief description:

There are at most fifteen vulnerable rooms in the bank.


枚举 + 状态压缩 DP。

//}/* .................................................................................................................................. */

const int dx[] = {-1, 0, 1, 0, -1};
const int dy[] = {0, 1, 0, -1, 0};

const int NN = 15, N = 209;
char Map[N][N]; int id[N][N]; int dp[1<<NN];
int n, m, nn;

bool inGrid(int x, int y){
    return x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < n && y < m;

struct rec{
    int x, y, s;
    rec(int x = 0, int y = 0):x(x),y(y){
    void init(int o = 0){
        s = _1(id[x][y]);
        REP(d, 2){
            int xx = x + dx[o+d], yy = y + dy[o+d];
            if (!inGrid(xx, yy)) continue;
            if (Map[xx][yy] == '.') s |= _1(id[xx][yy]);
                s = 0;
} A[NN];

int f(int id, int off){

    REP(i, nn){
        if (i == id) A[i].init(off);
        else A[i].init();

    FLC(dp, 0x3f); dp[0] = 0;
    REP(s, _1(nn)){
        REP(i, nn) if (!_1(s, i)){
            int ss = s | A[i].s;
            checkMin(dp[ss], dp[s] + 1);
    return dp[_U(nn)];

int main(){

    freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin);
    //freopen("out.txt", "w", stdout);

    while (RD(n, m)){
        REP(i, n) RS(Map[i]);
        nn = 0; REP_2(i, j, n, m) if (Map[i][j] == '.'){
            id[i][j] = nn;
            A[nn++] = rec(i, j);

        if (!nn){

        int res = INF; REP(i, nn) REP(d, 4){
            checkMin(res, f(i, d));
        if (res == INF) res = -1;

Problem F. Infinite Go

Brief description:



并查集维护棋子所在的联通块,f[] 维护 “目”。
(先出基本装、Gank 一波,再和队友抱团。。)。。。

//}/* .................................................................................................................................. */

const int N = int(1e4) + 9;
map<PII, int> B; // Board
int x[N], y[N], f[N], p[N];
int n, n1, n2;

int Find(int x){
    return p[x] == x ? x : p[x] = Find(p[x]);

void Union(int x, int y){
    x = Find(x), y = Find(y); if (x == y) return;
    p[x] = y; f[y] += f[x];

void del(int n){
    if (n&1) --n2; else --n1; B.erase(MP(x[n], y[n]));
    REP(d, 4){
        int xx = x[n] + dx[d], yy = y[n] + dy[d];
        if (!xx || !yy || !CTN(B, MP(xx, yy))) continue;
        int m = B[MP(xx, yy)];
        if ((n^m)&1) ++f[Find(m)]; else del(m);

void print(){
    FOR_1(a, 1, 10){
        FOR_1(b, 1, 10){
            if (!CTN(B, MP(a, b))) putchar('.');
            else putchar(B[MP(a, b)]&1 ? '&' : '*');

int main(){

    freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin);
    //freopen("out.txt", "w", stdout);

        CLR(B), n = n1 = n2 = 0; Rush{
            RD(x[n], y[n]); p[n] = B[MP(x[n], y[n])] = n; f[n] = 0;
            if (n&1) ++n2; else ++n1;

            REP(d, 4){
                int xx = x[n] + dx[d], yy = y[n] + dy[d];
                if (!xx || !yy || CTN(B, MP(xx, yy))) continue;
            REP(d, 4){
                int xx = x[n] + dx[d], yy = y[n] + dy[d];
                if (!xx || !yy || !CTN(B, MP(xx, yy))) continue;
                int m = Find(B[MP(xx, yy)]);
                --f[m]; if ((m^n)&1 && !f[m]) del(m);
            REP(d, 4){
                int xx = x[n] + dx[d], yy = y[n] + dy[d];
                if (!xx || !yy || !CTN(B, MP(xx, yy))) continue;
                int m = Find(B[MP(xx, yy)]);
                if (!((m^n)&1)) Union(m, n);

            if (!f[Find(n)]) del(n);

        printf("%d %d\n", n1, n2);

Problem G. Ants

fork: https://www.shuizilong.com/house/archives/poj-3764-the-xor-longest-path/


Problem H. Rabbit Kingdom

Brief description:

给出 n 个数,有 m 个查询,每次查询询问区间 [L, R] 中最多有多少个数与区间中其他数都不互质。


离线 + 树状数组。(类似 Dquery)

//}/* .................................................................................................................................. */

const int N = int(2e5) + 9;
int n;

namespace BIT{
    typedef int intt;
    intt C[N], S;
    void Add(int x, int d){
        if (!x) return;
        for (;x<=n;x+=low_bit(x)) C[x] += d;
        S += d;
    intt Sum(int x){
        intt res = 0; for (;x;x^=low_bit(x)) res += C[x];
        return res;
    intt Sum(int l, int r){
        return Sum(r) - Sum(l-1);
} using namespace BIT;

const int PMAX = N;
VI P; bitset<PMAX> isC; int p[PMAX];
#define ii (i*P[j])
void sieve(){
    FOR(i, 2, PMAX){
        if (!isC[i]) P.PB(i),p[i]=i;
        for (int j=0;j<SZ(P)&&ii<PMAX;++j){
            isC[ii]=1; p[ii]=P[j]; if (!(i%P[j])) break;
#undef ii

int A[N], suc[N], prd[N], last[N];
VII qry[N], rls[N]; int res[N];

int main(){

    freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin);
    //freopen("out.txt", "w", stdout);


    int q; while (RD(n, q)){

        RST(C); S = 0; REP_1(i, n) RD(A[i]), CLR(qry[i], rls[i]);

        REP(i, q){
            int l, r; RD(l, r);
            qry[r].PB(MP(l, i));

        RST(last); REP_1(i, n){
            int x = A[i]; prd[i] = 0;
            while (x != 1){
                int px = p[x]; checkMax(prd[i], last[px]); last[px] = i;
                do x /= px; while (p[x] == px);

        FLC(last, 0x3f); DWN_1(i, n, 1){
            int x = A[i]; suc[i] = INF;
            while (x != 1){
                int px = p[x]; checkMin(suc[i], last[px]);
                last[px] = i;
                do x /= px; while (p[x] == px);

        REP_1(i, n) if (suc[i] == INF) suc[i] = 0;

        REP_1(i, n){

            Add(i, 1); A[i] = 1; int l = prd[i], r = suc[i];

            Add(l, -1);
            rls[r].PB(MP(i, -1));
            rls[r].PB(MP(l, 1));

            ECH(it, rls[i]){
                Add(it->fi, it->se);

            ECH(it, qry[i]){
                int l = it->fi, id = it->se;
                res[id] = S - BIT::Sum(l-1);

            //REP_1(i, n) cout << Sum(i, i) << " "; puts("");
        REP(i, q) OT(res[i]);

Problem I. Gems Fight!

Brief description:



状态压缩 + 博弈 DP。

(主要是 The Gems collected are stored in a shared cooker.

//}/* .................................................................................................................................. */

const int N = 21, M = 9;
int F[1<<N], S[1<<N], n, m, s0;

void init(){

    VVI I; REP(i, n){
        VI t; Rush t.PB(RD()-1);

    static int cnt[M]; REP(s, _1(n)){
        RST(cnt); REP(i, n) if (_1(s, i)) ECH(it, I[i]) ++cnt[*it];
        S[s] = 0; REP(i, m) S[s] += cnt[i] / s0;

    FLC(F, -1);

int main(){

    freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin);
    //freopen("out.txt", "w", stdout);

    while (RD(m,n,s0)){

        init(); FLC(F, 0x8f); F[_U(n)] = 0; DWN(s, _1(n), 1){
            REP(i, n) if (_1(s, i)){
                int ss = s ^ _1(i), d = S[s]-S[ss];
                if (d) checkMax(F[ss], F[s] + d);
                else checkMax(F[ss], -F[s]);


Problem K. Candy Factory

Brief description:




建模 1:上下界最小费用流
S -> M -> C0 <-> C1 -> T

建模 2:最小费用最大流
S -> M -> C0 -> C1 -> T
S ------> C2 -> C1 -> T