
… : "…アッカリ~ン . .. . " .. .
June 27, 2013

HDU 2871. Memory Control

Brief description:

Memory units are numbered from 1 up to N. A sequence of memory units is called a memory block.
The memory control system we consider now has four kinds of operations:

  1. Reset: Reset all memory units free. For each Reset operation, output Reset Now.
  2. New x: Allocate a memory block consisted of x continuous free memory units with the least start number. For each New operation, if it’s possible to allocate a memory block, output New at A, where A is the least start number, otherwise output Reject New.
  3. Free x: Release the memory block which includes unit x. For each Free operation, if it’s possible to find a memory block occupy unit x, output Free from A to B, where A and B refer to the start and end number of the memory block, otherwise output Reject Free.
  4. Get x: Return the start number of the xth memory block(Note that we count the memory blocks allocated from left to right). For each Get operation, if it’s possible to find the xth memory blocks, output Get at A, where A is its start number, otherwise output Reject Get.
  5. Where 1<=x<=N. You are request to find out the output for M operations. Output one blank line after each test case.


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